Response Readings and Podcasts

The following is a list of readings and podcasts to which you may respond according to the guidelines set out here. The module title indicates the topic to which the reading most directly corresponds – if you found that topic interesting in class or during your primary reading, odds are that you’ll get something out of the readings in that module!

Remember that you are allowed to submit up to 4 responses per month in September, October, and November, and up to 2 responses in December. Guidelines for submitting each response can also be found here.

All responses should be submitted via the Upload Portal.

Introduction: Women and Men in Roman Literature and Society

The Origins of Roman Literature and Plautus’ Casina

Cicero, A Novus Homo, and the Cursus Honorum

Conspiracy and Civil War in the 1st Century BCE

Elegiac and Nugatory Poetry 1: novum libellum and the Female Perspective

Elegiac and Nugatory Poetry 2: Latin Love Elegy and the Puella as Domina

Elegiac and Nugatory Poetry 3: Republican Odes and Imperial Epigrams

Livy 1: The Aims of Livian Historiography and the Foundation of Rome

Livy 2: From Romulus to Numa

Livy 3: The Tarquins, Lucretia, and the End of the Monarchy

Augustus: pater patriae

Aeneid 1: The Exile and the Queen

Aeneid 2: From Carthage to Italy

Aeneid 3: A Roman Iliad

Non-Epic Hexameter 1: Catullan Epyllion and Vergilian Bucolics

Non-Epic Hexameter 2: Satire from Lucilius to Juvenal

Ovid 1: ab origine mundi

Ovid 2: From Divine Punishment to Human Horrors

Ovid 3: ad mea tempora

Ovid 4: From Amatory to Exilic Elegy

Roman Philosophy: Epicureanism, Stoicism, Cynicism

Lucan’s Pharsalia: A Republican Retrospective

Seneca and (the Loss of) Roman Tragedy

Imperial Biography: Suetonius’ Nero and the Lives of the Caesars

Imperial Historiography: Tacitus and How to Survive a Tyrant

Imperial Epistolography: Pliny the Younger

The Epigraphic Habit: Graffiti and Epitaphs

Apuleius 1: Making an Ass of Yourself

Apuleius 2: Cupid, Psyche, and the Degenerate Priests

Apuleius 3: Satirical Salvation?

Perpetua: A Christian Martyr