Present Subjunctive (Active and Passive) - Charts

Present Active: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd -iō, 4th, sum, possum |
Present Passive: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd -iō, 4th |

Present Active Subjunctive

The charts below will show full charts for the present active subjunctive of each verb. Focus on the bolded 3rd person singular and plural forms for these first few weeks of the semester; we will learn about the first and second persons in later weeks.

First Conjugation

amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love

Person Singular Plural
1st amem amēmus
2nd amēs amētis
3rd amet ament

Second Conjugation

videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see

Person Singular Plural
1st videam videāmus
2nd videās videātis
3rd videat videant

Third Conjugation

dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead

Person Singular Plural
1st dūcam dūcāmus
2nd dūcās dūcātis
3rd dūcat dūcant

Third -iō Conjugation

capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take

Person Singular Plural
1st capiam capiāmus
2nd capiās capiātis
3rd capiat capiant

Fourth Conjugation

audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear

Person Singular Plural
1st audiam audiāmus
2nd audiās audiātis
3rd audiat audiant


sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be

Person Singular Plural
1st sim sīmus
2nd sīs sītis
3rd sit sint


possum, posse, potuī - to be able

Person Singular Plural
1st possim possīmus
2nd possīs possītis
3rd possit possint

NB: Possum is conjugated very similarly to sum.

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Present Passive Subjunctive

The charts below will show full charts for the present passive subjunctive of each verb. Focus on the bolded 3rd person singular and plural forms for these first few weeks of the semester; we will learn about the first and second persons in later weeks.

First Conjugation

amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love

Person Singular Plural
1st amer amēmur
2nd amēris amēminī
3rd amētur amentur

Second Conjugation

videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see

Person Singular Plural
1st videar videāmur
2nd videāris videāminī
3rd videātur videantur

Third Conjugation

dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead

Person Singular Plural
1st dūcar dūcāmur
2nd dūcāris dūcāminī
3rd dūcātur dūcantur

Third -iō Conjugation

capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take

Person Singular Plural
1st capiar capiāmur
2nd capiāris capiāminī
3rd capiātur capiantur

Fourth Conjugation

audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear

Person Singular Plural
1st audiar audiāmur
2nd audiāris audiāminī
3rd audiātur audiantur

NB: Sum and Possum have no passive forms. Why do you think that might be?

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